Genre: Drama
Directed by Bernardo Barreto
Screenplay: Bernardo Barreto
Cast: Mariana Molina, Pierre Santos, Debora Duboc
Year: 2019
Length: 88 min
In the original version with English
and Czech subtitles
Isabela, who grew up in a very privileged family, returns home after a long period of absence, in an attempt to reconnect with her family. She brings home with her a new boyfriend, Giovani, who is a free spirited young man, contrasting drastically with the customs of her family. What she didn’t expect to find back home is her inner circle in turmoil, with her father being involved on a large corruption scandal.
Curiosity: this film is set against a backdrop of several politicians being prosecuted in Brazil during an extremely turbulent period since the early 2010’s, still taking place until today.
Awards received: 2020
Recife Cine PE Audiovisual Festival, Calunga Trophy: Best Supporting Actress, Debora Duboc and Best Supporting Actor, Erom Cordeiro 2019
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, Best First Feature, Special Jury Prize: Bernardo Barreto (director)