Director: Andre Sigwalt, Augusto Soares
Script: Andre Sigwalt, Augusto Soares
Cinematography: Andre Sigwalt
Stars: Daniel Rocha, Tony Lee, Tristan Aronovich, Ravel Andrade, Natallia Rodrigues, David Wendefilm...
Year: 2022
Runtime: 104 min
Original version with English
and Czech subtitles

The Smoke Master is an action-packed film inspired by 1960s Hong Kong cinema, as well as a stoner comedy in the style of alternative American films from the end of the last century. Two brothers and their kung fu friends must confront the Chinese mafia and end the curse on their family through a "three-generational revenge." It seems that their only hope is to penetrate the secrets of the Smoke Master’s rare teachings. His unique fighting style relies on inhaling cannabis smoke into the lungs. Those who master it are unbeatable. This unusual combination of kung fu and smoking weed features intense fight scenes and a Marley-esque message of goodness. It is a completely independent Brazilian production written and directed by the duo André Sigwalt and Augusto Soares. This film, starring Brazilian actor Daniel Rocha and Chinese actor Tony Lee, has received several awards worldwide in the past year.